
Rabu, 27 Mei 2015


In prehistoric times, humans use clothing from animal skins. For a man who lived a cold area they use the skins of animals, especially animals like the woolly sheep. And for people who live in hot regions they used bark soaked and pounded and dried. There is also the use of leaves or grass and some are using chain shells or seeds.
In Indonesia, the most simple fashion history for example vests, clothing wrap, poncho, kaftan and trousers.

1. CamisoleBrassiere is the basic form of the oldest clothes even before people knew woven. In ancient times the Indians have known the tree bra whose skin is used to cover the body. Brassiere come from Asia and brought to Iran, Asia Minor, Egypt and Rome in Europe. There are several types of clothing camisole known example:TunicTunic worn under the breasts to ankles by straps / tire to the shoulder. This form is often used clothing Egyptians in antiquity. In the development of forms of tunics and how to use customized according to segments of society at the time, such as tunics Talaris used for the consul, knee-length tunic short size used by the palace, a tunic with decorative studs on the neck and waist worn on the middle class century 6 to 5 BC in Bizentium. 5th century - to 1 AD, Rome is the jewel tunic. And until the 5th century AD to the mid-calf length tunic. With the Islamic religion in Aceh is formed trouser suit with tunic who came from Pakistan and hereinafter referred to as clothes brackets.KandysKandys derived from Hebren in Asia Minor in prehistoric times. Clothing is loose and pleated on the right side and arm-shaped wings.KalasirisKalasiris came from Egypt in prehistoric times camisole basic form, length to ankle loose and straight, sometimes wearing a belt and connected to each arm sometimes comes in the form of a coat and cape syaal as an extra.

2. Apparel wrapThis clothing long rectangular and how to use it just wrapped around the body. Examples of these garments such as sari in India, Toga and Palla in Rome, Chiton and peplos in ancient Greece, Scarves in Indonesia. But in each region also have different names and how to use it.Himation, clothing worn or the philosopher's leading experts in ancient Greece. Dress length is usually 12 or 15 feet made of wool or linen, embroidered white whole field. Clothing is usually combined with a chiton or coat. The Himation fashion similar to that commonly used above pallium toga by men in Rome in the 2nd century.Chlamys, clothing resembling himation however loosely shaped and worn by men of ancient Greece.Coat / shawl, long-shaped dress worn draped over the shoulders manner.Toga, fashion honor in the days of the Roman Empire. There are several types of palla toga toga as worn during mourning, and toga trabea made to resemble the baby cape.Palla, ladies fashion empire in Roman times used above the tunica or stole. Palla color is usually blue, green, and gold.

Paludamentum, Sagum and abolla namely clothing military jacket in prehistoryChiton, men's fashion similar to ancient Greek tunic in Asia. Chiton material usually of wool, flax, and hemp were given colored thread embroidery and golden as woven Persian influence.
Peplos and haenos, ancient Greek women's fashion essentially the same shape as chiton. Peplos of Athena wearing a belt.Cape / cope, outer clothing in menswear in the Byzantine shaped coats and fastened at the shoulder by a brooch

3. Poncho
Poncho made of animal skin, bark and leaves a hole in the middle for the head. Poncho comes from Mexico and Peru-Indians. According Poncho shape can be divided into:

Shoulder poncho, poncho that covers the shoulders and upper body. This shoulder poncho worn by the Indians, Peru, Mexico and China. It is also used coats by Teutonic tribes, Trank, and Sexon.

Poncho pelvis, fashion is found in ancient Greece were worn by men in the royal palace.

4. TrousersPants is a fashion that covers the waist down to the ankles. Basic shape pants made of rectangular folded and stitched two ago diguntuing on the both sides, to the foot of the hole until the thigh is made cutouts in the middle and be sewn and waist straps that hold the pants in the waist. Pants worn men and women in Albania, Persia, China, Tunisia, and Saudi Arabia. Pants very diverse forms no loose like in Turkey and there are narrow like pants porters in Japan. In the 18th century appeared to knee-length pants and known by the name Cullote. And there is also the Pantaloons pants are pants length to ankle5. Kaftan shapeKaftan form is the development of basic shapes cut camisole or tunica central part of the face to become parts on the front. The Babylonians used it as a cover over the body, while the original form kaftan is still used by farmers in Egypt. In Indonesia alone kaftan better known by the name of Kebaya, in Japan called Kimono, and in the Middle East diasebut cloak. Kaftan hallmark is to have all the parts in advance and wear sleeve.  

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